Gynaecological Screening at our practice in Nicosia

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What is the preventive gynaecological check-up?

Gynecological cancer screening involves a series of examinations aimed at early detection of cancers in the breasts, ovaries, uterus, cervix, vagina, vulva. Regular screenings allow us to identify potential changes promptly and take appropriate action to protect your health.

What examinations are included in gynecological cancer screening?

When should gynecological cancer screening be performed?

Gynecological screening for cancer should be carried out regularly. Recommended screening intervals may vary from person to person and depend on age, medical history, and general health. As a general rule of thumb, women are advised to have annual gynecological examinations, usually after age 20.


Since annual gynecological screening has been systematically implemented worldwide as part of population control, millions of lives have been saved, and it is now an integral part of gynecology.

Your health is important to us. Do not hesitate to contact us to book your next appointment.