Screening for pre-eclampsia at our practice in Nicosia

What is pre-eclampsia?
Preeclampsia is a distinct manifestation of high blood pressure coupled with proteinuria, occurring during pregnancy or post-childbirth. While the exact cause remains incompletely understood, it is hypothesized that issues related to blood flow to the placenta and inflammatory responses are pivotal contributors to its development.
When is there an increased risk of pre-eclampsia?
- Pre-eclampsia in previous pregnancies
- Pre-existing conditions such as hypertension or kidney diseases
- Overweight or obesity
- Multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc.)
- First pregnancy
What does the risk assessment for pre-eclampsia include?
During the first trimester of pregnancy, a secure method exists to calculate the likelihood of developing a particular disease. This allows for timely therapeutic intervention to prevent the disease and identifies pregnant women requiring more intensive monitoring.
A specialized computer program integrates maternal characteristics, blood pressure readings, Doppler examination of uterine vessels, and the values of two blood factors (PAPP-A, PlGF) to compute the probability of the disease.
In instances of high probability, treatment involving daily aspirin is essential, significantly reducing the risk of pre-eclampsia. This is followed by heightened monitoring throughout the pregnancy, substantially diminishing the risk of complications for both the pregnant woman and the fetus.
Our commitment to you
Anticipating and screening for the risk of pre-eclampsia is a vital component of our all-encompassing care, ensuring early diagnosis and effective management of potential complications.
Should you have questions, concerns, or a desire to delve deeper into this screening process, we are here to assist you. Your well-being and that of your baby remain our utmost priority.