Specialised Genetic Counselling at our practice in Nicosia

What is Specialized Genetic Counseling?
This service is designed to explore and evaluate the likelihood of an individual being carriers of gene mutations linked to developing diseases and genetic syndromes. The severity of each case varies based on the mutated gene, carrying potential implications for the individual and future generations.
When can genetic counseling be beneficial?
- Family history. If members of the same family have known hereditary diseases or syndromes, genetic counselling helps to understand and manage the risk of developing them for the individual and their offspring.
- During Pregnancy. In instances where fetal pathologies linked to genetic abnormalities are diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy, the guidance of gene counseling becomes paramount. It furnishes essential insights into the current pregnancy, empowering the couple to make informed decisions and assess the likelihood of recurrence in subsequent pregnancies.
- Before an assisted reproductive treatment (IVF). Modern advancements in genetic diagnostic tests now allow for a thorough examination of a couple's genetic makeup before embarking on planned IVF treatment. This helps identify potential carriers of common genetic mutations, such as cystic fibrosis or Tay-Sachs disease.
Process of Specialized Genetic Counseling
Obtaining an individual and family history. We take the time to ask you about your family and personal health history to identify potential genetic risks.
Genetic risk assessment. Based on your medical history, we perform a risk assessment, drawing your family tree for the occurrence of specific conditions.
Counseling and recommendations. We analyze the results of the risk assessment and provide detailed information about the likelihood of you and your offspring developing the disease.
Our Expertise
Specialized genetic counseling is an integral aspect of our medical services. Dr. Roukoudis holds certification in “Specialized Gynecological Genetic Counseling” and is dedicated to offering precise and empathetic support.
Should you have any questions or wish to learn more, please don’t hesitate to contact us.