Urogynaecology at our practice in Nicosia


What does the term urogynecology include?

Urogynecology is a specialized field within gynecology that deals with disorders of the pelvic floor and urinary tract in women. This includes bladder problems like urinary incontinence (involuntary urine loss) and pelvic floor weakness. Problems with the uterus and vaginal area, such as pelvic organ prolapse, also fall within the scope of urogynecology.

What are the most common urogynaecological symptoms?

Possible treatment options may include

Accurate diagnosis is pivotal for effective symptom management. Primary clinical diagnoses include a) pelvic organ prolapse and b) urination problems. Given the frequent coexistence of these conditions, it is imperative to evaluate the extent to which clinical findings contribute to symptoms and tailor the treatment strategy accordingly.

Conservative Therapies. 

This includes targeted pelvic floor exercises (physiotherapy), behavioral changes, lifestyle adjustments, and pessaries.


In cases of acquired urine loss, specific medications may be used to improve the symptomology.

Invasive Procedures. 

For organ prolapse, techniques targeting anatomical restoration encompass transvaginal and/or endoscopic (laparoscopic) procedures. In cases where symptoms exclusively impact the bladder without apparent prolapse, treatment options range from mesh insertion (TVT and TVT-O) to botox or bulkamid injections in the urethral area.


We will be happy to advise you on ways to reduce the risk of pelvic floor and urinary tract problems.

Diagnosis and treatment

In our practice, we conduct a comprehensive diagnosis to identify the underlying causes of your concerns. This involves specialized examinations and, if necessary, imaging procedures. Dr. Roukoudis will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and complaints based on the diagnosis.

Our approach

Beyond the yearly gynecological examination, we explore potential urogynecological symptoms. With our expertise and a purpose-built questionnaire, we aim to discern the nature of your conditions, allowing us to craft a personalized treatment plan to address your needs.

Dr. Roukoudis served as a consultant (Oberarzt) at the urogynecology centers of Hameln (AGUB III) and Fürth (AGUB I) in Germany. He holds certification from the German Urogynaecology Authority (Kontinenz Beratungsstelle).